SHOTSPOTTER Gunshot Detection Maps for Melrose
ShotSpotter Maps
Here’s our first Melrose GPS-enabled, ShotSpotter Map, using Google Maps and OPD-provided ShotSpotter so you can see where shots are being fired, in context of where you are located if you choose that option, so you can understand the number of bullets being shot in Melrose each day to better navigate and help OPD reduce gun violence on our blocks.
The reports we’ll feature here are limited to OPD Beat 27x which is the majority of what we call “Melrose”.
Because violence is spiking throughout the country, and Central East Oakland, OPD has been brain storming with Melrose residents to help reduce gun violence using new approaches and technology.
OPD offered ShotSpotter data so folks can use it to gain a clearer understanding of the scale, location, and frequency of where and when shots are being fired in hopes the community can help OPD reduce gun violence by reporting what’s seen.
Melrose took this data and put it in Google Maps so residents can literally see where shots are coming from to keep an eye out for their safety while navigating the neighborhood.
The goal is to share more sightings with OPD and review monthly reports to see if the monthly number of gunshots, casualties, and homicides go down and keep aiming to do more to co-create a safer Melrose for all of us.
Melrose GPS-enabled, ShotSpotter Map, using Google Maps and OPD ShotSpotter data to keep you safer and help report gunshots.
How to read these interactive GPS maps & incident reports
Aug. 1 had the highest # of gunshots of 27 in 1 day out of the total of 99 in 28 days, followed by Aug. 6 with 26 gunshots in 1 day including a quadruple shooting and 1 homicide during 1 event at Fairfax/Courtland
Each gunshot event is represented by a red dot
Hover over any red dot on a monthly map report and click on it to open the information about this specific incident including number of gunshots, address, day, date, time, total number of gunshots for that month with the incident number.
you can use these google maps to navigate Melrose
You can pull these maps up in a web browser to look at it on your laptop, smart phone, or tablet, or laptop and if you enable Location Services you can get driving directions and Google Street images of the location currently located within these incident reports
You can click the arrow in the pop up window to get driving or walking directions to the address to see how close you are to where gunshots were fired
This ShotSpotter data is not real-time right now - we get it in batches of the last 30 days
Report 01: July 9 - Aug 6, 2020
99 gunshots in 28 days and a quadruple shooting w/ 1 homicide
View Melrose NCPC 27x ShotSpotter Jul9Aug6 2020 in a full screen map