Melrose Speeding & Sideshows

Speeding is a daily issue in Melrose and we don’t mean 10 miles over the limit - more like 50-60 miles over the limit.

Sideshows are happening more frequently and are turning into major threats to community members’ lives and businesses.


Stephanie Hayden


Call to Action: Letter Writing Campaign to stop fatalities on Foothill Blvd

Download a template of this letter to add your version of your story. Please let us know if you will allow us to post your letter on our website so a broader audience can see your voice and maybe become inspired to write their own letters of support.

Click on the image to download a Word .doc file template to write you own message

Click on the image to download a Word .doc file template to write you own message


This accident happened recently, the week of June 15, 2019. Imagine how fast this car must’ve been going to flip over and crash into a car parked on the street.

Foothill and Bancroft run parallel to each other and people drag race, play Chicken, and speed down them every day. We frequently see people passing cars and staying in the oncoming lane to intimidate other drivers to swerve out of the lane to avoid being hit head-on.

Our hope is the Street Scaping project that was approved but not yet delivered back in 2014 will help calm this traffic as it will not be able to have so much open, flat, runway to pick up so much speed in residential areas.

Stay tuned and please support Melrose’s effort to get the City of Oakland to put the Street Scape project into development.



Sideshows are spontaneous events that occur quickly and include cars, people, cell phones, and social media. The network of people and cars can take over an intersection within a few seconds and maintain control of that intersection for hours at a time often trapping people who happened to be waiting at a stop light when the crowd landed there.

It’s dangerous while it’s happening and law enforcement is limited in what they’re legally allowed to do about the crowd and the reckless drivers.

Recently, Melrose lost a mother and daughter who were run down when Sideshow drivers raced through the neighborhood to escape being caught for an earlier Sideshow.

Melrose is working together to figure out what to do to stop these crowds from gathering in our business and residential streets. Stay tuned and join us at our next Community Council meeting if you have ideas about how we can mitigate our risk.