Public Safety

To build upon an ongoing initiative in known for almost 25 years as, “Melrose High Hopes NCPC 27x”, Melrose community members focused on crime prevention and Public Safety overall will work with the Public Safety Action Committee to continue gaining traction on crime reduction by collaborating with the Oakland Police Department.


Stephanie Hayden


2019/2020 Priorities

The Melrose High Hopes NCPC 27x worked on identifying the most important issues the community faces and prioritized them so Oakland Police can focus on those challenge areas and report back status toward resolution on a monthly basis.

Visit the Melrose High Hopes 27x NCPC website for more information on Oakland Police Department priorities and contacts.

Public Safety Data

what to put in the apps.png

The community has started to consider using data and Freedom of Information Act Requests (FOIA) in order to start mapping out where things are happening in order to have everyone be aware of what has happened historically in certain intersections along with current activities underway so people can navigate safely and to help build a case for addressing the issues in a data-driven manner.

Melrose is working on coming up with a simple framework for community members to ask for data sets from the City of Oakland and then use that data to help visualize trouble areas so plans can be made to address them.