July 21: 1:30pm Oakland City Council Budget Meeting re; Funding Oakland Police Department

Stephanie Hayden here, Chair of Melrose Community, and I’m writing to share there is a City Council meeting today where the mid-year budget cycle will be re-addressed to consider amending the updated proposal for changing the Oakland Police Budget.

I am not advocating any position here, other than to relay part of the Mayor’s message to ask folks to join the meeting today at 1:30pm to voice their opinion on funding of OPD.

Here is a portion of her message this morning I’m reposting for your convenience:

I advise you all to do research on the subject and make your own decisions about your position on reallocation of funds to provide community safety services to Oaklanders.



This is a truncated portion of the original message…

Action Alert – Save Our Budget

Dear Oaklanders,

On June 23rd the Oakland City Council passed a responsible and admirable budget to reconcile competing community demands to defund the police AND preserve police 911 response.

The Council removed a significant $14.3 million from the Oakland Police Department (OPD) budget and allocated much of it to creating a new emergency response system of community-led caretakers — a national-leading transformation in emergency response called MACRO — Mobile Assistance Community Responders of Oakland.

Yet the cuts, even as we experience historic revenue loss due to COVID-19 pandemic, were carefully made to not further impair what is already sub-standard police 911 response, as well as not further strain Oakland’s under-staffed police force.

OPD already has the lowest officer per-crime staffing of any department in America.

Please read the objective Director of Finance’s analysis and concerns here.

Please contact the Oakland City Council at council@oaklandca.gov OR speak up at today’s Council Meeting

We all support reimagining public safety and advancing racial justice. On June 23, the City Council already committed to doing just that — by immediately cutting and redirecting an unprecedented $14.3 million from OPD, as well as launching a thoughtful and responsible process over the next nine months to analyze a 50% reduction in police spending by our next budget action.

Oakland can lead the nation. Let’s create a reimagined system of public safety and justice in Oakland that’s based on real numbers and won’t abandon those who currently count on a 911 response until the new system is actually up and running.

With Oakland-love,


For details on today’s Council meeting, click here. The meeting starts TODAY at 1:30pm, but this budget amendment is the last item of the meeting – Item 16. 
