May 13: Virtual Meeting re; East Oakland District 6 Has Seen 4 Murders in 6 Weeks - Stop the Violence Now

on May 13, 5:30-6:30pm Join Maxwell Park, Melrose, and Millsmont neighbors with the City of Oakland’s Chief Violence Prevention Officer, Guillermo Cespedes, for a multi-neighborhood, virtual, Community Town Hall to help find solutions and stop escalating violence on our blocks.

Purpose of the Meeting: Introduce the new City of Oakland’s Chief Violence Prevention Officer, Guillermo Cespedes, to Maxwell Park, Melrose, and Millsmont community members to create a baseline understanding of what the Violence Prevention Plan is for Oakland, what neighbors can expect to see over the next 30, 60, 90+ days, and how they can become part of the solutions. 

This map represents 4 neighbors lost to violent homicides over the last 6 weeks.

Goals for the Meeting: Determine how to map the Violence Prevention Plan to real, tangible, initiatives co-created with and/or led by Community members in Maxwell Park, Melrose, and Millsmont to reduce and prevent violence from continuing or escalating in the near and far-term. Determine what the feedback loop and reporting will be between Mr. Cespedes and District 6 constituents now and in the future to ensure everyone is aligned with end goals and results come to East Oakland.

Meeting Location requires advanced registration RSVP: 

  • Click here now to register and let us know you’re joining. We have initial seats limited to 100 and will add more if we know more people are joining: Register in advance for this meeting: 

  • After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Please check to make sure you’re set up and ready to join by 5:20pm.

  • The session will be recorded and made available to registered attendees following the meeting.

Meeting co-facilitated by: 

  • Stephanie Hayden, Chair & Marissa Bowman, Vice Chair, Melrose Community Council

  • Suzanne Robinson, Community Member, Millsmont Community 

  • Jose Dorado, Chair, Maxwell Park Council

Meeting Agenda

5:30-5:40 Kick-Off

  • Stephanie, Marissa, Suzanne & Jose will share background for this meeting and brief introductions on their work and perspective on what can create safer communities.

5:40-5:55pm City of Oakland Plans to Prevent Violence in Communities

  • Guillermo Cespedes will describe how his experience working in many American and international cities has informed what is becoming Oakland’s Violence Prevention Plan. 

5:55-6:25pm Community Reactions and Input on How Violence Prevention Can Work Here

  • 30 minutes of Community Members Questions and Answers for Guillermo.  This will be limited to a 1-minute question and targeted for a 2-minute answer.

6:25-6:30pm Next Steps

  • What are specific next steps, measurable activities, and tangible initiatives that can and will take place in our three communities over the next 30, 60, and 90 days to prevent and control escalating violence on our blocks?

Read more about our neighbors who have fallen victim to violent crimes over the last 6 weeks.

  1. March 16: Jalain Dickerson (Age 19) 

  2. March 31: Anika Crane (Age 32) 

  3. April 28: Henry Texada (Age 23) 

  4. May 1: Miles Armstead (Age 44) 


Zoom Meeting Code of Conduct & Issue Resolution

  • Our Principles

    • Inclusion

    • Equity

    • Collaboration 

    • Respect

  • Zero Tolerance and Immediate Actions Taken

    • Bullying, hate speech, trolling, threats of violence or retaliation, aggression toward speakers or members including swearing and name calling

    • Harassment on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, political affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, age, weight, ethnic group, religious practice, gender, marital status, military status, veteran status, or disability

    • Refusal to comply with Code of Conduct 

  • Temporary or Permanent Removal from Zoom Meetings and/or Mailing List Membership

  • If you go over your allotted time to speak and do not give the floor to leadership, do not agree with someone’s perspective and argue with them, do not comply with requests to move off topic conversations or arguments out of the member meeting space you will be muted and/or removed.  This can extend to include future events or membership.