When: Nov 25, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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The Agenda will have something to do with the following subject areas:
Public Safety Concerns for Melrose during these times
Safety for individuals and businesses during these times w/ or without police
What do we do when we have issues and police do not respond?
Crime Statistics - how can we lower these numbers and how is OPD able to assist?
Melrose Community-Led Public Safety Coalition and Our 6-Month Agenda
Identifying and Beautifying Spaces (Melrose Mural Project)
let's put a call out for imagery and buildings to paint
Funding Spaces and Having Monthly Get Togethers (Block Parties)
let's put a campaign together to raise money for murals, block parties and voter registration
let's plan for July Block Party and create a blueprint for a Melrose Block Party every last Saturday through Dec
Registering to Vote & Getting to Polls in November
how many are registered now and what's our Melrose target goal?
we need a polling place and need to set one up
how to get the ballot into the box and get folks to the polls Tuesday Nov. 3, 2020
Public Sector Updates
Oakland Police Department: Melrose Community Resource Officer: Mark Hohn
District 4: Councilmember Sheng Thao
District 5: Councilmember Noel Gallo
District 6: Councilmember Loren Taylor
District 8 or At Large: Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan
Please RSVP and let us know if you intend to join.