June 10: East Oakland Coalition Co-Creating Public Safety, Beautifying Spaces, Funding Ourselves, & Voting Nov. 3

June 10: East Oakland Coalition Co-Creating Public Safety, Beautifying Spaces, Funding Ourselves, & Voting Nov. 3

Hi Neighbors,

I want to provide you a little background for this event if you’re not familiar with the last meeting we had, so if you'll allow me to explain...

This is a follow up to May 13's meeting where 145 Oaklanders met with the City of Oakland's Chief Violence Prevention Officer, Guillermo Cespedes, and considered what we can all do together in East Oakland, and sometimes with the City of Oakland and OPD, to prevent violence and make our communities safer.

Many wanted to take immediate steps following May 13 and agreed to meet at least every month, on the 2nd Wednesdays, to define what we can all work on for 6 months to make an impact for ourselves and for our neighbors.

Two weeks later on Memorial Day, May 25, George Floyd was murdered by Minneapolis police with video evidence for the world to witness. How can we talk about Violence Prevention in communities where this still happens and no real change occurs?

Things are so broken in so many places we can't ever go back to, "normal", which is exactly what we need. Racism is part of the foundation of this country and informs most of the, “normal”, approaches,
policies, and reactions and responses to things in life, which is why we are where we are today.

Please join us to co-create new ways of doing things because this is exactly the time to unite and define what we want things to look like now and in the future. If we can envision it, we fund it, and we can build it – if we decide now is when everything changes.

Yes, everyone is overwhelmed, feeling hopeless and isolated, exhausted and out of patience, and that's why we want to host this Zoom meeting with you this Wednesday night to share some things some you may be happy to see. We can work on various projects to make incremental difference in East Oakland.

If you want something to work on that is tangible where you
can actually see real results in a short period of time please join us and
bring your ideas to the table too – we need you here!

Register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Lightning Agenda

Facilitators: Melrose Community

Speakers: Marissa Bowman, Melrose Community, Marla Williams, Havenscourt, and Stephanie Hayden, Melrose Community

7:00-7:10 - Hellos, Meeting Goals, Code of Conduct and Objectives

7:10-7:15 - Hands Up for all Communities on the Call - Who’s With Us?

7:15-7:20 - Summary of May’s 1st Violence Prevention Meeting / Community Comments

7:20-7:50 - Ideas for East Oaklanders Co-Creating Public Safety - 6 Months of Shared Projects

  • 10 min - Marissa Bowman, Melrose Community, Secretary & Safe Streets Action Committed Lead

    • Identifying and Beautifying Spaces (Murals)

    • Getting Polling Places & Folks to Vote Nov. 3

  • 10 min - Marla Williams, Havenscourt & Arroyo Viejo NCPC 30x Chair

    • Block Cleanups with Multiple Groups

    • Using Nextdoor to Connect Neighbors and Build Associations

  • 10 min - Stephanie Hayden, Melrose Community NCPC 27x Chair

  • Shared Community Monthly Block Parties

  • Setting Up Associations to Raise Your Own Community Funds

7:50-8:20 - Attendee Feedback Questions

  • What do you like, not like, and what would you like to contribute?

  • What do you think we should include in our Block Parties?

  • Can we all aim for one really good Block Party per Community on the same day each month?

  • What do you think about a shuttle to go between parties and communities to share ideas?

  • What do you think about setting up Neighborhood Associations so you can raise your own funds and have more autonomy for what happens on your blocks?

  • What do you think will work best to get people registered to vote and get their ballots in the box by November 3, 2020?

8:20-8:30 - Summarize Findings and Determine Next Steps for July

  • Melrose is aiming for a July 25 Block Party on Fairfax between Foothill & Bancroft

  • Who else wants to aim for a July 25 Block Party?

  • Follow up meetings and requests