May 14: Neo-Nazis Target, Hack, and Terrorize East Oakland Community Member Zoom Meeting

I still can’t believe I’m writing this but you all need to know about a horrifying incident that occurred on May 14 to our friends in the Havenscourt NCPC 30x.

Havenscourt was hosting their monthly community meeting when Neo-Nazis hacked their session and began a visual and verbal assault delivered to terrorize their group of about 40 members.

Yes, Neo-Nazis targeted a specific group of community members in East Oakland.

The terrorists Skinheads chanted racial slurs, drew Swastikas, showed porn, and were able to regain control of the session multiple times even after it was dropped and restarted.

Reports have been made to FBI Tipline for Terrorism, FBI Internet Crimes, and Department of Homeland Security for Domestic Terrorism. It has also been reported to the Oakland Police Department and Mayor’s Office.

The event was promoted on Nextdoor, which is concerning for a number of reasons. It could mean these individuals live among us and read invites to join that way and/or people in our communities are sharing neighborhood invites with these group outside our somewhat trusted neighbor networks on Nextdoor.

Let’s assume added Security training for anyone leading Zoom sessions is a given.

Zoom settings can be fixed within a minute or two so that’s easy to solve with training. The main thing to focus on is looking out for each other and if You See Something Say Something.

Let’s not empower these groups by sharing too much information online. We’ll share more as we hear any developments. Please report suspicious behavior related to this threat to FBI & DHS.