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Jan. 22, 2020: Melrose Vision & Priorities w/ Focus on Community Policy & Overall Safety

Chair: Stephanie Hayden | Vice Chair: Braunz Courtney

January 2020 Agenda Summary

6:45-6:55pm Convene, hellos, sign-on sheet, pick up street maps & handouts, find a seat

6:55-7:10pm Kick-off Melrose 2020 | Topics & goals for tonight: Stephanie Hayden

·       Review 2020 Priorities to Submit to OPD and Resolve this Year

·       Learn About Community Policing Policy for Melrose

·       Vision for Melrose Safe Streets Overview

·       Vote on Melrose 2020 Priorities

·       Melrose Admin Local Melrose Businesses, Melrose Resources & Tools

·       Municipal Check-ins & Status Reports

7:10-7:15pm Melrose 2020 Prioritized Subject Areas: Stephanie Hayden, Chair, Melrose

7:15-7:20pm Featured Speaker re; Community Policing: Jose Dorado, Chair, Maxwell Park NCPC

7:20-7:25pm Vision for Melrose Safe Streets: Braunz Courtney, Vice Chair, Melrose

7:25-8:00pm Community Conversations & Voting on 2020 Priorities w/ Next Steps: Stephanie Hayden

8:00-8:05pm Melrose Admin: Stephanie Hayden & Braunz Courtney

8:05-8:25pm Melrose Municipal Check-ins, Status Reports, & Next Steps: Public Sector

8:25-8:30pm Pack up and head out


Agenda Detail

7:10-7:15pm – Stephanie Hayden

·       Review 2020 High-level Prioritized Subjects to Submit to OPD and Resolve this Year

o   1) Safe Streets

o   2) Environmental Safety

o   3) Equity & Justice

o   Introduce Melrose Private Surveillance Network (constituent owned cameras & data)

7:15-7:20pm – Jose Dorado

·       Community Policing Policy 79235 c/o Jose Dorado, Chair Maxwell Park NCPC

o   Jose will explain the Oakland Community Policing Policy & the role OPD plays in finding resolutions to the issues that challenge our life in Melrose & Maxwell Park

o   SMART Process: Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Realistic, and Timelines

o   SARA Process: Scanning, Analysis, Response and Assessment

7:20-7:25pm – Braunz Courtney

·       Vision for Melrose District (5-years)

o   Braunz will share Steering Committee recommendations for how to use the $400K provided via District 4, Councilmember Sheng Thao’s office

§  $200K City Engineering Firm to design a Vision, Pricing, and 5-year plan

§  $100K for a Project Manager and/or Individual Consultant to help push this plan forward with City of Oakland, permitting, and data collection

§  $100K for pilots that increase safety and capture data we can use to support new proposals for investment in Melrose blocks

7:25-8:00pm Community Discussion and Voting on 2020 Melrose Priorities – Stephanie Hayden

·       Create a list of issues to address and submit to City of Oakland and OPD for resolution this year and ongoing status reports on these topics:

o   Safe Streets

o   Environmental Safety

o   Equity & Justice

8:00-8:05pm Melrose Admin – Stephanie Hayden

·       Immediate need to fill roles to help Melrose gain traction toward goals – We need volunteers!

o   1) Treasurer

o   2) Secretary

o   3) Outreach & Engagement Coordinator

o   4) Website & Communications

o   5) Community Member Leads to represent each District Area and be contact for CMs

§  District 4: Sheng Thao, Special Assistant: Matthew Napoli, Chief, Amauri Collins

§  District 5: Noel Gallo, Special Assistant: Rosa Velasquez

§  District 6: Loren Taylor, Special Assistant: Mona Gibson-Barr

·       Melrose Resources & Organizational needs

o   Use the website!

o   Melrose Community Printer c/o Braunz Courtney HEPPAC

o   Discuss the need to have an entity with a tax ID to do fundraising and possibly qualify for investment dollars in Melrose. We need ability to raise funds outside NCPC dollars.

·       Announcing Local Melrose Businesses

o   Romo’s Caffe: 5395 Bancroft Street – Breakfast, Lunch & Coffee

o   Free Bird CA: 5311 Fairfax Ave – Fine Handmade Leather Items

8:05-8:25pm Municipal Check In / Melrose Status Reports & Next Steps

·       8:05-8:10pm OPD – 5 min – Community Resource Officer: Alex Navarro

·       8:10-8:15pm D4 – 5 min – Councilmember Sheng Thao, Special Assistant, Matthew Napoli

·       8:15-8:20pm D5 – 5 min – Councilmember Noel Gallo, Special Assistant, Rosa Velasquez

·       8:20-8:25pm D6 – 5 min – Councilmember Loren Taylor, Special Assistant, Mona Gibson-Barr

8:25-8:30pm Pack up / Close out