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Feb. 12, 2020: District 6 Loren Taylor, Melrose, and Maxwell Park Public Safety Meeting

District 6 Public Safety Meeting | Loren Taylor Councilmember
Maxwell Park Neighborhood Council | Melrose Community Council

Feb. 12, 2020, 6:30-8:00pm
@ Melrose Leadership Academy School: 4730 Fleming Avenue, Oakland, CA 94619

Three Speakers Representing District 6 Solutions to Crime Spikes

  1. City of Oakland District 6 Councilmember Loren Taylor

  2. Maxwell Park Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) Chair, Beat 28, Jose Dorado

  3. Melrose Community NCPC Chair, Beat 27X, Stephanie Hayden


Learn about Neighborhood Watch processes, technology and data solutions, and Community Policing Policy options to increase personal and business safety in Maxwell Park and Melrose.


Community members hear and learn about contributing to overall safety using multiple strategies in Maxwell Park and Melrose and speakers hear and learn more about what community members want in order to follow up in monthly sessions.

Next Steps

Follow up with three speakers to contribute to each topic area and determine what each member will do to create more of their own personal safety and seek to contribute to Block Safety.

Purpose for this Public Safety Meeting

Discuss strategies to address crime spike in Maxwell Park/Melrose Community to learn about multiple modes we can use to reduce violent and/or property crimes via Block-level Neighborhood Watch, Block-level private camera networks and security patrols, and Community Policing policies and procedures we can use to tie what community members want with Oakland Police Department and Council Member resources.


6:30pm Introduce Evening & Meeting Format

6:30-7:10pm Three Speakers Share 10 min each

  • District 6 Council Member Loren Taylor

    • Boosting Block-level Neighborhood Watch

  • Melrose Community Chair, Stephanie Hayden

    • Block-level Private Security Cameras, Private Camera Registry to Share Video with Block, Data, and Privacy

  • Maxwell Park Chair, Jose Dorado

    • Block-Level Security enablement connecting Community Policing Policy with community member input, resource, and direction with OPD accountability for performance and issue resolution.

7:10-7:40pm *Community Q/A

7:40-8:00 Discuss Next Steps

*Meeting & Community Engagement Framework

o   Panel speakers share strategies with members from Maxwell Park, Melrose Community, and surrounding neighborhoods

o   Question/Answer period will follow with timed interactions to ensure many people are heard. Audience questions limited to 30 seconds and speakers limited to 2-minute responses.

o   Audience contributes Index cards with additional questions to be addressed during follow up attendance at the three speaker’s respective meetings and initiatives.