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Feb. 26: Melrose Members Set 2020 Priorities, Volunteer, and Prepare for Melrose March Elections

Melrose Council Monthly Membership Meeting Setting Community Priorities and Leaders for 2020

Join us to review and confirm areas of focus, actions, and initiatives we’ll use and work with OPD to:

  • Create Safe Streets
    Slow down traffic, decrease injuries, and prevent traffic-related deaths on Foothill & Bancroft

  • Increase Environmental Safety
    Increase safety inside and outside our homes by decreasing the number of shootings, armed robberies, residential break-ins, and homicides.

  • Achieve Equity & Justice
    Increase safety in Central East Oakland and bring justice to victims of physical and property crimes.

Adopting a Spirit of Community Service in Melrose

  • We’re introducing a 100% community contribution model this year to see what can happen when everyone commits to improving Melrose.

  • We’re asking all members who come to the monthly Melrose Community Council meeting, and those who do not, to commit to producing 2 hours of community service in the form of completing specific tasks we’ve identified that will help us achieve our 2020 Priorities this year.

  • It’s not a lot to ask and as we all know, it takes action to create change.

  • We’ll have task lists ready to go broken up into 2-hour chunks so you can easily choose which one or more you can volunteer to perform this year for Melrose.

  • We’ll hold appreciation events for those who contribute throughout the year!

Melrose Community Council Elections are March 25th - Get Ready to Run!

  • March is annual elections month for Melrose!

  • Existing members need to run, or not, people need to volunteer or be nominated and open roles need to be filled to accomplish our 2020 Priorities.

  • We have Official NCPC roles & non-NCPC roles to fill too:

NCPC Roles

  • Chair, Stephanie Hayden - Not Running for Re-election (OPEN)

  • Vice Chair, Braunz Courtney

  • Treasurer, Rochelle Rodgers

  • Community Engagement & Outreach Lead, Marissa Bowman

  • Secretary

Non-NCPC Roles

  • Project Managers

  • Communications - Messaging for Melrose Events

  • Website Manager

  • Data Scientists

  • District 4 Community Representative engaging with Sheng Thao & Staff

  • District 5 Community Representative engaging with Noel Gallo & Staff

  • District 6 Community Representative engaging with Loren Taylor & Staff

  • District 8 (At Large) Community Representative

Action Committees (if there is no lead, and at least 3 members, ACs are on HOLD)

  • Safe Streets

1.       Marissa Bowman

2.       Stephanie Hayden

3.       Andre Isler

4.       Irma Swygert

5.       Braunz Courtney

  • Litter

1.       Razzu Engen – I think Razzu has at least 3 members

  • Schools

1.       Alma Owens-Delucchi for Horace Mann

2.       Bill Delucchi for Fremont High

  • Melrose Thanksgiving

1.       Alma Delucchi

  • Garden (Nayeli Maxson - on Hold)

  • National Night Out August Block Parties Annual Parties Aug. 2 (?)

1.       Who’s planning or will host block parties this year?

  • Administration (Stephanie Hayden)

    • By-Laws need to be updated,

    • Melrose needs a bank account to raise funds,

    • Find grants for cameras, district improvement, safety services, etc.

  • Environmental Safety (Stephanie Hayden will recruit members)

1.       Home safety

2.       Cameras with and without OPD assist

  • Tech & Data (Stephanie Hayden will recruit members)